Trauma Happens In the Nervous System.

At the root of trauma, is intensity.
Our trauma lives in the spaces beyond our words, or experiences.

Trauma exists and happens in the nervous system.⁠

Our brains are fascinating in the way that they will put up a 'shield', or release a 'fog' as we're experiencing something that is too much, happening too soon or too fast, or if we're not getting enough of something (care, love, validation, security, belonging, etc) for us to comprehend.⁠

Our brain does this naturally, organically, to protect us from our experience. ⁠How beautiful is that? That our bodies are built to protect us, to help us not experience the fear head on.

Through our experiences we are shifted, effected, wounded or scarred. These changes have taught us how to survive, and protect ourselves. We may not know who we even are anymore. Beneath all the layers of what happened to us, and how we've changed because of it - is our authentic self.⁠

As we heal, we learn how to cultivate safety within ourselves. We can release and unlearn the masks that have kept us safe, to reveal who we really are. Our intentional, healthy, authentic self. ⁠

I've created 2 digital workbooks for you to take deeper care of your inner self/

Heal your subconscious with The Journey Within and Transcend Your Triggers.


Getting Sober Curious


How to Choose a Therapist That’s Right for You